IoT-Prism Laboratory

Welcome to IoTPrism Laboratory, a cutting-edge research laboratory located within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna.

Founded in 2018 by Prof. Marco Di Felice and Prof. Luciano Bononi, our lab is comprised of esteemed faculty members and talented young researchers dedicated to pushing the boundaries of scientific and industrial research and innovation on pervasive IoT systems.

 Our mission is to investigate, design, and develop innovative IT solutions for next-generation pervasive and mobile systems, characterized by ubiquitous and autonomous sensing and connectivity, decentralized data management, adaptive and extreme edge processing and intelligence, and seamless cloud integration in the continuum. With a focus on IoT interoperability, data trustworthiness, and edge computing, we have addressed cutting-edge research challenges that are crucial to realizing the full potential of the IoT paradigm.

 Over the last five years, we have collaborated on several national and European research projects implementing the IoT paradigm for smart agriculture, industrial automation, condition and structural monitoring applications. We have also published extensively on our research in top-tier journals and conferences.

In addition to our research activities, the IoTPrism laboratory provides a dynamic and inspiring environment for supervising bachelor’s and master’s thesis activities and fostering collaborations with industries. Visit our people, research topics, project, publication, and thesis/internships pages to learn more about our lab and the exciting work we are doing.