The Need of Multidisciplinary Approaches and Engineering Tools for the Development and Implementation of the Smart City Paradigm

The Need of Multidisciplinary Approaches and Engineering Tools for the Development and Implementation of the Smart City Paradigm
Oreste Andrisano; Ilaria Bartolini; Paolo Bellavista; Andrea Boeri; Luciano Bononi; Alberto Borghetti; Armando Brath; Giovanni Emanuele Corazza; Antonio Corradi; Stefano de Miranda; Fabio Fava; Luca Foschini 0001; Giovanni Leoni 0002; Danila Longo; Michela Milano; Fabio Napolitano; Carlo Alberto Nucci; Gianni Pasolini; Marco Patella; Tullio Salmon Cinotti; Daniele Tarchi; Francesco Ubertini; Daniele Vigo;
Journal Articles
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